Friday, September 2, 2011

La Mia Avventura Italiana

My bags are packed. (Weighing in at 48 lbs...whew.) I have had my last American pasta dish and I am so ready for Italian food and my cooking class! I have fully reviewed my Italian Bucket List and plan on living each second as if it were my last; absolutely no regrets or I wish I woulda's.

When I was about 13 I read of a feisty and oh so daring young woman named Donata. She is the main character in the book Daughter of Venice by Donna Jo Napoli. That is when the longing to see and experience the beautiful country of Italy began to bud. Now that the longing has reached full bloom, I board an airplane at 7:25 tomorrow morning and will begin my avventura Italiana (Italian adventure). I plan on fully documenting each day through this blog so be anticipating day 1. I hope to share something new and exciting but also know that many embarrassing and rough days can occur in a foreign country in an 86 day time frame. But I will always share something to remember. Well Ciao for now!

1 comment:

  1. Pectol Family can't wait to read each day and to "live" Italy with you! We are so proud of you and love you so much! Do what you do, Stef, and we will be there every moment!
